ProjectID | ProjectName | Year |
Railway tracks waste management | 2012 | |
Right to Information Act – Solutions to issues in the field | 2012 | |
Economic and political effect of Naxalite problem and it’s current and future impact | 2012 | |
Fatalities in Road Accidents – a preventable tragedy | 2012 | |
Production and Marketing of Handicraft Goods – Opportunities and Challenges | 2012 | |
Efficacy of Law as a Tool to provide relief to accident victims | 2012 | |
Judicial Accountability – Metrics to Judge the judges, feedback mechanism system | 2012 | |
Potential of the NSS to channelize youth energy towards upliftment of society. Some actual success stories and possibilities. | 2012 | |
To Consider the Desirability of Compulsory 1-2 Years Service in Rural/Tribal Areas in Private/Public Sector Sponsored Schemes for all Fresh Graduates | 2012 | |
Should India as a developing country bear the burden of environmental regulation | 2012 | |
Anti corruption (economic offenses) and improving the efficacy by using the provisions of criminal justice system | 2012 | |
Understand the voting pattern in students, youth and women below 30, provide practical models of increasing the voting percentage and making it easy for people/student to vote | 2012 | |
Framework for the Right to Healthcare, Rising health care cost. Cost of treatment of some common diseases in rural, semi rural areas, mortality rate | 2012 | |
Study the mechanisms and infrastructure for waste collection and disposal in your city and its successes and failures | 2012 | |
Tackling Corruption from the supply side | 2012 | |
Development of a cost-effective solution to walking aid for the Visually Impaired | 2012 | |
A study of religious education hubs and their impact on the value system: Madarsas Ashrams/Matts Catholics | 2012 | |
Expedite police investigations, court procedures and trials by using advances in Information Technology | 2012 | |
Women reservation in panchayats and the reality behind it | 2012 | |
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail: Activism, truth and the way forward | 2012 | |
How does the trading in futures of commodities in India impacts the prices of essential commodities, who all benefit from it and what benefits/harms are expected if it is banned? | 2012 | |
Research the existing gaps in primary(3-8) and secondary education(up to class 10) towards preparing our future citizens and proposal to bridge that gap. | 2012 | |
Process of Civil and Administrative reforms in India. How could the system be made such that common man could suggest practical changes. Improvements and suggestions made, what got implemented and what did not and why? | 2012 | |
Visit local courts, suggest steps to improve the infrastructure and the experience of litigants | 2012 | |
Government budget outlay and various schemes for primary education – Their impact and short-comings and how do these compare with China and Brazil | 2012 | |
Socio-Economic Impacts of Rural Roads on Rural Population: Analysis of PMGSY )Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna) Scheme | 2012 | |
Ways to inculcate and sustain Innovation into young minds through our educational system | 2012 | |
Strategies to preserve/document and patent the traditional knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs and traditional treatments for various ailments in India | 2012 | |
Effects of government policies, inefficiency, acquisition through support prices, its storage and distribution and it’s effects on prices in last 4 years | 2012 | |
How to improve catering facilities in Indian Railways | 2012 | |
Allocation and utilization of Central funds to various States under specific poverty alleviation schemes from 2001 to 2010. | 2012 | |
The relevance, effectiveness and community support to COTPA 2003 Law and its regulations | 2012 | |
Video Clip Competition | 2012 | |
Economic and Social analysis of Metro as a solution to urban transportation | 2012 | |
Scorecard for Journalists- Judging the Journalists | 2012 | |
Regulation of Water Usage | 2012 | |
Research the effect of current real estate boom and development of massive new housing projects and high rise buildings around industrial centers (Delhi/Bombay/Banglore) on resources of fresh air water and open green spaces. How this effects the overall quality of life including the cost of living in big cities. | 2012 | |
How to effectively manage and execute addressing of public grevience | 2012 | |
C102 | Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure projects in India: Lessons learnt and way forward | 2013 |
C103 | Developing Low cost Financing Models for Renewable Energy projects and Promoting RE financing by banks/financing institutions | 2013 |
C104 | Status of homelessness in rural areas and the efficacy of the housing schemes | 2013 |
C105 | Building National Career Service | 2013 |
C106 | Issues Rape victims face in registration of crime | 2013 |
C108 | Feasibility of diversification of landuse from rice to agroforestry | 2013 |
C109 | Relevance and Efficacy of National Rural Health Mission- at the grassroots level | 2013 |
C110 | The indecent representation (objectification) of women in media and its effect on society | 2013 |
C112 | Exploring the Potential for Payment for Environmental Services (PES) in Himachal Pradesh | 2013 |
C114 | Spreading awareness about the importance of population control in rural areas | 2013 |
C115 | Fostering Enterpreneurship in India | 2013 |
C117 | Manufacturing opportunities in India Comparative analysis to other countries | 2013 |
C118 | Encouraging youth participation in policy making process in India | 2013 |
C119 | Process Integrity in Indian Criminal Justice System | 2013 |
C120 | Revitalizing Public Libraries in India | 2013 |
C121 | Police Reforms in India | 2013 |
C122 | Pan India System to Trace Missing Persons | 2013 |
C124 | Tourism industry –Study of best practices, and suggestions to improve | 2013 |
C125 | Ban on Gutka and Pan Masala in India- Assessment of the socio-economic impact, regulatory and enforcement challenges | 2013 |
C126 | Improving Voting Percentage in Assembly elections and the Lok Sabha elections | 2013 |
C128 | Economic working model of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Analysis of Shared value approach to Business and Society | 2013 |
C129 | Common Services Centers (CSC) Project: Implementation and Challenges | 2013 |
C130 | Design a strategy to increase awareness about Invoices | 2013 |
C131 | Steps to address water shortage and ground water level in Delhi | 2013 |
C132 | Adapting of Indian Homes for Staying of Elderly | 2013 |
C133 | Measuring performance of MPs | 2013 |
C134 | Simplifying the existing common rules for public to combat Red Tapism | 2013 |
C135 | Municipal Solid waste management system in India | 2013 |
C136 | Finding the Co-relation between Alcohol and Crimes | 2013 |
C137 | Finding low cost diagnostic methods for identifying diseases | 2013 |
C138 | The Status Quo of Nurses in India – A study of the neglected section of working class | 2013 |
C139 | Curbing the menace of child labor in India | 2013 |
C140 | Project Proposal On: A Study On Exploitation Of Surrogate Mothers | 2013 |
C141 | Improving the Driver’s Licensing System : Corruption Free And Citizen Friendly | 2013 |
C143 | An analysis of pay commissions: Gains by bureaucracy relative to people, and mapping of recommendations implemented, and unsavory ones not implemented. | 2013 |
C144 | Fall in GDP growth in India: Causes, effects and solutions | 2013 |
C145 | Cyber terrorism and Cyber Crime | 2013 |
C146 | To increase the efficiency of Gujarat Police using the tool of e-Governance | 2013 |
C147 | Financial Management and Project Analysis of Uttar Pradesh Irrigation Department | 2013 |
C149 | Free Registration of Crime | 2013 |
C150 | Police-Public Interface: A Balanced Approach for Mutual Benefits | 2013 |
C151 | Improving Primary Health Centres | 2013 |
C153 | Scams in Capital Markets: modus operandi of fake companies and steps to curb them | 2013 |
C155 | Alternate and low cost construction materials and techniques | 2013 |
C156 | comprehensive strategy aiming to transform the transportation sector in urban areas | 2013 |
C157 | Use of Information Technology and Preparation of Dashboard for Uttar Pradesh Irrigation Department | 2013 |
C158 | Use of Journalism and Television to spread Right Thinking | 2013 |
C160 | Generic Drug Distribution Models and Policy issues | 2013 |
C161 | Best Practices in Skill Development | 2013 |
C162 | Soft skills training to marginalized youth: Issues and Challenges | 2013 |
C163 | Comprehensive Study and NGOs in India, their Profile, Work, Activities with special reference to Grants | 2013 |
C164 | Improvements in Railways website and ticket bookings | 2013 |
C165 | Crop Insurance: A Risk Mitigating Strategy | 2013 |
C166 | A critical analysis of government schools and areas of reform | 2013 |
C168 | Study of implementation and implementation issues of Right to Education act (RTE) | 2013 |
C169 | Research Grants for Rakshak Foundation | 2013 |
C171 | Management of Food Grain Production and Storage in India | 2013 |
C201 | Strategy for projects and schemes in foreign countries | 2013 |
C202 | Direct Cash Transfer in India | 2013 |
C203 | Industrial Training Institute, Pataudi | 2013 |
C204 | Crime record management system CCTNS for U.P Police | 2013 |
C205 | Transport Planning Strategy: Improvement of Bus services in Chandigarh | 2013 |
C206 | Empowerment of Youth In India | 2013 |
C207 | Four year action plan for up-gradation of existing ITI system in Uttar Pradesh | 2013 |
C208 | Mahant Bhai Tirath Singh Ji Hospital – Project Proposal | 2013 |
C209 | Four year action plan for upgradation of ITI system in Uttar Pradesh | 2013 |
C210 | Credibility and Accountability of Media | 2013 |
C211 | 2013 | |
C212 | A Case Study on the Implementation of SPV powered Irrigation Pumps in Punjab | 2013 |
C213 | 2013 | |
D101 | Malnutrition in Slum Children | 2014 |
D103 | Improving perception about the police in the mind of the public and Removing Gender bias in policing | 2014 |
D104 | Sensitizing Governance | 2014 |
D105 | Poverty depends more on societal attitudes than on lack of resources | 2014 |
D106 | Challenges in Financing of Urban Infrastructure | 2014 |
D107 | Study of degree of satisfaction/dissatisfaction in the minds of public about their interactions with police | 2014 |
D108 | Existing gaps between primary and secondary education | 2014 |
D109 | International best practices on use of Assessments | 2014 |
D112 | Safe city for women | 2014 |
D113 | Evaluation of the restructured accelerated power development and reforms programme | 2014 |
D114 | GIS applications in Governance | 2014 |
D115 | Efficient citizen service delivery system for making Government more accountable to its citizens | 2014 |
D116 | Unique ID Number | 2014 |
D117 | Encouraging Public Private partnership in railways | 2014 |
D118 | Abolition of Affidavit | 2014 |
D119 | Preparing the roadmap for effective implementation of Model Schools in Uttar Pradesh | 2014 |
D120 | Understanding Food Security in India | 2014 |
D121 | Taxation/ economics, to be assigned by Rakshak | 2014 |
D122 | Efficient citizen service delivery system for making Government more accountable to its citizens | 2014 |
D123 | Public Private Partnership in Infrastructure Projects in India: Lessons learnt and Way forward | 2014 |
D124 | Secondary education | 2014 |
D125 | To understand the Job Profile of a Constable and Propose Required Training | 2014 |
D126 | 2014 | |
D127 | Naxalite Problem in India | 2014 |
D129 | Public perceptions regarding Complaints/FIR – Law and Practice | 2014 |
D131 | Policy model for regulation and service delivery for UPSRTC | 2014 |
D132 | Role of ICT in ethical and efficient governance | 2014 |
D133 | India’s internal security challenges – citizen participation | 2014 |
D134 | Inclusive governance | 2014 |
D137 | Coal – A burning issue | 2014 |
D138 | Land use planning in cities: Making housing affordable and cities prosperous | 2014 |
D139 | Evolution of RFD | 2014 |
D140 | Electoral reforms in India | 2014 |
D141 | Implementation of Intelligent transport systems in UPSRTC | 2014 |
D142 | Skill Development | 2014 |
D143 | Investigation of anti-corruption cases in India | 2014 |
D144 | Suitability of BRTS for different cities | 2014 |
D145 | Study the U.P. Government Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme and suggest ways to make it more Effective | 2014 |
D146 | Administrative Process Improvement | 2014 |
D147 | Study GDP contribution vs. political representation | 2014 |
D148 | Adapting of Indian Homes for Staying of Elderly | 2014 |
D149 | India’s Energy Security | 2014 |
D150 | Innovative Thinking in Government | 2014 |
D151 | Need for Project Management skills in government sector | 2014 |
D152 | To be assigned by Rakshak | 2014 |
D154 | Taking care of Ganga River Basin through Public Participation – Citizen’s role and responsibilities | 2014 |
D155 | Potential of CSR in India | 2014 |
D156 | Drafting a governance agenda for India | 2014 |
D157 | Standardization of Operational Procedures, as per ISO 9001, in Copyright Office, GOI | 2014 |
D158 | Ways to improve public perception of policing | 2014 |
D159 | Study of service delivery in the Transport department in Punjab | 2014 |
D160 | Rural Tourism | 2014 |
D161 | Challenges in Sanitation | 2014 |
D164 | Segregation of Non-Agricultural and Agricultural loads in Rural areas of Bangalore by drawing separate 11KV lines | 2014 |
D165 | Redesigning Resident Welfare Associations | 2014 |
D166 | 2014 | |
D167 | e-Enabling of various services delivered by urban bodies | 2014 |
D168 | Multiple accountability in Indian governance | 2014 |
D169 | Fall in GDP growth in India: Causes, effects and solutions | 2014 |
D170 | Policy vacuum in private investment in Health Sector | 2014 |
D171 | District disaster management plan | 2014 |
D172 | Public Distribution System | 2014 |
D173 | Policy vacuum in private investment in higher education | 2014 |
D174 | Primary data analysis & research relating to various laws | 2014 |
D175 | Secularism and the State | 2014 |
D176 | Innovation in Elementary Education | 2014 |
D177 | To regulate the use of Muscle and Money powers in elections | 2014 |
D178 | Menace of kidnapping in Bihar | 2014 |
D179 | 2014 | |
D180 | Conceptualize and design a model for ‘Single-Window Trauma Centre’ for Rape Victims in India | 2014 |
D181 | Improving Organized Retail Trade in India | 2014 |
D182 | Community Policing | 2014 |
D183 | Sankalp; second innings of the retired goverment employee | 2014 |
D184 | Community Policing | 2014 |
D185 | How to leverage technology to improve the standards of governance in our country? | 2014 |
D187 | Urban land management | 2014 |
D188 | 2014 | |
D189 | 2014 | |
D201 | Water and Sanitation Department- A Business Model | 2014 |
D203 | Maintenance Policy for Rural Roads in MP | 2014 |
D204 | 2014 | |
D205 | Pharma Innovations and Diseases: A Quantitative Analysis | 2014 |
D206 | Election Procedure and Efforts to Ensure Fair and Effective Election | 2014 |
D207 | E-Governance at Income tax department – CPC TDS | 2014 |
D209 | Absentee ballot system in India: A solution to secure the electoral rights of migrant workers | 2014 |
D210 | Study of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill 2013 and analysis of whether it will be able to curb the growing corruption in the country | 2014 |
D211 | Implementation & Transparency of MGNREGA in Madhya Pradesh Emphasizing EFMS | 2014 |
D213 | Process Improvement of UP Skill Development Mission & Implementation of Management Information System | 2014 |
D214 | Formulating maintenance policy for rural roads | 2014 |
D215 | Review and Propose Measures to Improve Public Distribution System | 2014 |
D216 | Human Resource Reforms in Indian Police | 2014 |
D218 | Electronic Payment of Wages for the MGNREGA Scheme in an underbanked state | 2014 |
D219 | Rollout of e-governance tool ‘e-Payment system’ in MP RRDA | 2014 |
D220 | Impact analysis of Chief Minister Rural Housing Mission in Madhya Pradesh | 2014 |
D221 | Process Improvement of UP Skill Development Mission & Implementation of Management Information System | 2014 |
D223 | Judicial Reforms in India -Issue, Challenges and Need of the Hour | 2014 |
D226 | Environmental Impact of Civil Aviation in India | 2014 |
D227 | B Plan for Social Venture Capital Company- LIFCOM | 2014 |
D229 | Knowledge Management Framework for IBDLP, Meghalaya | 2014 |
2014 | ||
2014 | ||
2014 | ||
2014 | ||
2014 | ||
2014 | ||
E101 | Analysis of impact and efficiency of MNREGA | 2015 |
E102 | Impact Assessment of the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement signed between India and Malaysia | 2015 |
E103 | Impact Assessment of India-ASEAN FTA- specific to Indonesia | 2015 |
E104 | Alternative Livelihood for Bidi Workers- An economic analysis of opportunities and challenges | 2015 |
E105 | Is Kerala a role model in the area of Health | 2015 |
E106 | Eradication of Absolute Poverty | 2015 |
E108 | NEw Pension Scheme 2004 – policy suggestions for improvement based on international practice. | 2015 |
E109 | Social Audit: An implementable strategy to ensure good governance | 2015 |
E110 | Unaddressed Issues of Pay Commission : Productivity, Liberalisation and Civil Service Reforms | 2015 |
E111 | Midday Meal Scheme in Primary Schools – Analysis, Effects and Suggestions | 2015 |
E112 | Evaluation of National Rural Livelihoods Mission | 2015 |
E113 | Creating a Unified Agricultural Market – Issues, Challenges and Possible Solutions | 2015 |
E114 | Analysis of Trends in CSR Activities- Outcome and Way Forward | 2015 |
E117 | Impacts of declining child sex ratio | 2015 |
E118 | Interface between IPR and Competition Laws | 2015 |
E119 | Improving the Quality of Life (Smart City: Prospects, Issues and Challenges) | 2015 |
E120 | Critical Appraisal of Electronic Toll Collection Model in India | 2015 |
E121 | Intellectual Property Rights’ Issues Related to Public Health in India | 2015 |
E122 | Afghanistan-Challenges of reconciliation and peace-making/power sharing with Taliban | 2015 |
E123 | Role of Public Sector Banks and Public Institutions in Financial Inclusion and problems related to Non-Performing Assets | 2015 |
E124 | Strategy for Preventing Wastage of Perishable Goods | 2015 |
E125 | Bangladesh studies – Polarisation in Politics & Hurdles in democratic consolidation / challenge of creeping Islamic radicalism | 2015 |
E126 | A Comparative Study of 1894, 2013 and Proposed Land Acquisition Acts of India | 2015 |
E127 | Urbanization: Legal and Administrative Regime | 2015 |
E128 | Environmental Pressure on GHNP after being declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO | 2015 |
E130 | “Private Security and Investigation | 2015 |
E131 | Public Private Partnership(PPP) in Rural Development | 2015 |
E132 | Living Standards of children in Government Institutions | 2015 |
E134 | Challenges and issues in Implementation to stop the misuse of 498A | 2015 |
E136 | Making India a Technical Education Superpower | 2015 |
E139 | Promoting Whistle Blowing for Good Governance | 2015 |
E140 | Transparency in private sector to curb collusive corruption | 2015 |
E141 | Impact Assessment of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) – specific Electric Equipment | 2015 |
E142 | Skill development/ Vocational Training: Reality Check and Recommendations: Infrastructure and Teaching Standards | 2015 |
E143 | ways to protect the farmers from market and ecological vulnerabilities | 2015 |
E144 | Decentralization: An Approach to grassroots governance | 2015 |
E147 | Trends and Challenges in Power Distribution | 2015 |
E148 | Effect of Mobile On Secondary And Higher Education | 2015 |
E149 | Swachh Bharat Abhiyan : A Practical Solution to problem of India? | 2015 |
E150 | Implementing PNDT Act through Online F Form | 2015 |
E151 | Mobile technology solutions for chronic care management of Diabetes and Hypertension | 2015 |
E152 | Trends and Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents, controlling loss of life and limb | 2015 |
E153 | Air Pollution, Its impacts, Lessons From World and Policy Initiatives to Curb It In Cities of India | 2015 |
E154 | Power For All | 2015 |
E155 | Accountability and Transparency in Indian Railways | 2015 |
E156 | Commercialisation of Education | 2015 |
E157 | Housing for urban poor | 2015 |
E159 | Food Security Paradigm in India: Required Policy Changes | 2015 |
E162 | Geographic Information Systems- Data Acquisition and Its applications | 2015 |
E164 | Improvements in Administrative Processes | 2015 |
E165 | Improving Quality of Life – Related to Health | 2015 |
E166 | Developing an Educational Program to Educate Workmen Safe Way to Work | 2015 |
E167 | Improving the Public Storage and Distribution System | 2015 |
E168 | Improving Primary Education Through Peoples’ Participation | 2015 |
E169 | Access to low cost medicines | 2015 |
E170 | Civil Society to trap Solar Power | 2015 |
E171 | Filling Public-Police Trust Deficit: What Needs To Be Done | 2015 |
E172 | To decide how to ensure Direct Benefit Transfer of SC/BC SCHOLARSHIPS in Haryana without leakage | 2015 |
E173 | Ingredients of good leadership | 2015 |
E174 | Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution: Challenges and Opportunities | 2015 |
E175 | Role of IT in Land Record Management | 2015 |
E176 | Electrical Engineering | 2015 |
E177 | Taking Transparency to the next level | 2015 |
E179 | UID: Implementation Challenges | 2015 |
E180 | Election Procedure and Efforts to Ensure Fair and Effective Election – Online Voting | 2015 |
E183 | Health Care Facilities in Rural India and Slums | 2015 |
E184 | Solar rooftop PV programme in Bangalore – challenges and financial modelling | 2015 |
E185 | Public Transportation scenario in Urban areas/cities; Bus Rapid Transit System in India, Government policies, schemes & Initiatives | 2015 |
E186 | Impact of Border Conflict on Jammu Villagers | 2015 |
E187 | How to improve the implementation of National Urban Health Mission services in slums. | 2015 |
E188 | Evaluation of National Rural Livelihood Mission – Success and hurdles | 2015 |
E190 | Local Train Network Improvements | 2015 |
E191 | Public Perceptions about civil servants: Trends and suggested strategies to improve | 2015 |
E192 | Smart Grid in Bangalore and other metros-wht is holding a large scale roll-out | 2015 |
E193 | Education at Government School: Reality Check and Recommendation – Teaching Standards and Infrastructure | 2015 |
E195 | Evaluation of the impact of scrapping of Govt of India’s Central Sponsored Schemes on development priorities of the Centre and the states (Sector spec | 2015 |
E196 | Goods and Services Tax. | 2015 |
E199 | Judicial reforms in India | 2015 |
E201 | Study on Jaipur Ring Road Project and Jaipur Metro Project construction by Jaipur Development Authority | 2015 |
E202 | A study on best practices “e-tendering” in MPRRDA and streamlining I-Ashray software used for monitoring and tracking progress of CMRHM | 2015 |
E203 | Study the operations and marketing Of The Unati co-operative Marketing-cum-Processing Society, suggest improvements and recommendations | 2015 |
E204 | Detailed Study on Jaipur Outer Ring Road Project and Jaipur Metro Project constructed by Jaipur Development Authority”. | 2015 |
E206 | Application of Operations Management in Telangana State Police Department | 2015 |
E207 | Study On Right To Information Act | 2015 |
E208 | Access to Urgent and Affordable healthcare | 2015 |
E209 | Warehousing Development in Madhya Pradesh- A Success Story | 2015 |
E210 | Behaviour Change for Health and Nutrition through Structured Mothers’ Group Meetings’ | 2015 |
E211 | Rural Tourism as a Potential Strategy for Sustainable Rural Development: Case of Hariharpur, India | 2015 |
E212 | Citizen Activism through Journalism | 2015 |
E213 | Decentralization – An approach to grassroot governance | 2015 |
E214 | CSI (Citizens’ Social Initiative) | 2015 |
E215 | Establishing a Sustainable Environment by Transforming the Floral Offerings in Temples – A Compost of Faith | 2015 |
E215 | Detailed Study on Jaipur outer Ring Road Project and Jaipur Metro Project | 2015 |
E216 | Documentation of Navi Mumbai International Airport | 2015 |
E217 | The Ease of Doing Business in India: The Case of Walmart | 2015 |
E218 | Ease of Doing Business in India-The Case of Walmart | 2015 |
E219 | Ease of doing business, with the specific example of Telangana | 2015 |
E220 | Electricity Generation and Distribution: Challenges and Recommendations | 2015 |
E221 | Empowering Women through Self-help Groups | 2015 |
E222 | FIR, Investigation, Arrest and Bail: Public perception; Law and Practice | 2015 |
E224 | Mainstreaming Widow and Deserted Women � | 2015 |
E225 | analysing the success/failure of all women police station in achieving women empowerment | 2015 |
E226 | Police Reforms: Challenges in implementing the SC order | 2015 |
E227 | To Find the Bottlenecks in Listing of Pregnant Women at ASHA level in VHIR | 2015 |
E228 | Public sector reforms and the role of the public sector in the evolving context of development and modernization in India | 2015 |
E229 | Tanjore Main Road, National Highway 67, Near BHEL Trichy, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620015 | 2015 |
E230 | Study of Cast and Income certificate in the state of Karnataka and recommend process improvement and systemic changes | 2015 |
E231 | The Role of BSF in ensuring security of the Borders of India | 2015 |
E235 | To study and propose streamlining and design improvements for the ‘Ladli’ Scheme in Delhi to improve the female sex ratio | 2015 |
E236 | Using socio economic database for Development of backward classes | 2015 |
E251 | Implementing 24/7 water supply project in an Indian city | 2015 |
E301 | Imperatives of a central database on national security | 2015 |
E306 | An Assessment of SWOT analysis of The Great Himalayan National Park | 2015 |
E307 | Financial Inclusion: Opportunity & Challeneges : Jan Dhan Yojana | 2015 |
E308 | Land acquisition- Balancing the requirements of development Vis-à-vis rights of the landlords, issues and way forward | 2015 |
E309 | Land and Poverty Alleviation | 2015 |
E310 | Comparative study of struggles of Blacks in the US with Dalits in India. | 2015 |
E311 | Farmers in India- Challenges, Problems and Solutions | 2015 |
E312 | Revamping ineffective systems which are a root cause of corruption and poor governance: an insight from modern thinking and Indian wisdom | 2015 |
E313 | The Indian Real Estate Sector; Formulation of a Code of Conduct for Builders and an Analysis of Corruption | 2015 |