Following format must be used for reporting your Meeting Minutes to your mentor, copying [example is given]:
Date: May 16, 2012
Time: 2:15 PM
Duration of Discussion: 20 minutes
Discussion [Please use bullets]:
- Mentor asked to focus on this aspect of the issue …..
- Mentor suggested me to take an out of the box approach ……
- Mentor asked to click photographs of the location…..
- …….
- …….
- …….
- …..
Action Items before next discussion, please include timeline:
- Research data on internet related to police reforms [1 day]….
- Research on Tax reforms bill currently in draft stage [4 hours]….
- ….
- ….
- ….
Please feel free to add any more section you may need for your meeting minutes. The same report will be added to your weekly status update as well.
– Name of Intern
Rakshak Foundation Internee
Mobile No.: