Rakshak Foundation
Rakshak Foundation Summer Research Program - 2014
Please go over this detailed information very carefully as it outlines your responsibilities and the expectations the foundation has from you. Some of this information was made available in your offer letter and in Appendix-A that was sent to you. However, we believe we should share this information once again because of it's importance. Please accept and submit this form after careful consideration and determination to give your full dedication to this internship.
This internship program is designed to engage motivated students to understand different type of issues and challenges that the country faces. Most of the projects carried out by the interns deal with complex real world issues and would need a lot of reading, research and field visits to appreciate the issue. Hence it is imperative that you should not have any other commitments, whether professional or academic (coaching classes included), and that you must inform the foundation at the earliest if you foresee any coming up.
Assignment of project by the foundation will be final and cannot be changed. Projects are assigned based on several different criterion. The project assigned to a peer may appear to be more appealing but this is normal. You will be responsible for making your project and research interesting and important based on your education, mentor and past experiences.
It is suggested that you have access to running cash of about Rs 10,000. Foundation reimburses money every 30 days or if the incurred charges exceed Rs. 5000.
Interns are expected to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Foundation and also of the place they are working. For example: Consumption of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited and is grounds for immediate expulsion from the program. Reimbursement Policy, Code of Conduct etc will be shared with you in due time.
Your progress, performance and conduct will be continuously monitored by the foundation to ensure best utilization of your and mentor's time. If your performance is not up to the mark, corrective action may be taken.
Your are expected to fill 'Best moment of the day" at least once a week. This is the portion of your significant learning which you share with the foundation by filling the form which will be shared with you at the start of the program. Also, you are expected to be active on Facebook and Twitter (social Media). When the foundation puts an update, we expect you to have discussion, comments or share it with outside world. The intention of this activity is to ensure the knowledge that you gain as part of this research experience is shared globally with others who wanted to be part of this program but could not work with us for various reasons. We have over 4500 people on facebook who look up to us for sharing knowledge and experience and engage in discussions
This program is designed to be very fast paced and will take more than 8-10 hours of your time per day (including weekends). There will be mandatory weekend activities and your participation will be required. You will be required to do a lot of documentation throughout the program. This includes keeping meeting minutes notes, field visit reports, weekly reports and presentations, mid-term reports and filing RTIs etc.
The program is distributed in nature with different interns placed at different locations. You are required to report at your work place at 9:30 in the morning and continue until 6 PM, Monday through Saturday. If you are not at your work place by office hours, you must inform us immediately by dropping a mail in advance.
Stipend and certificate will be issued at the end of the program and on the approval of your final report by your mentor.
You will be able to get best out of this internship only when you are focused and clear. Each of you has been chosen with great care and an extremely competitive selection ratio based on your background, great enthusiasm and can-do attitude you demonstrated during your interview. Now that you have been selected for this internship program, we would like you to think again about your motivation and commitments for this summer. In case you have second thoughts or any confusion about this internship, please feel free to call us to get them clear.
We welcome you to a very productive and exciting summer experience with fellow interns and Rakshak Foundation. All the best.