Following format must be used for reporting your weekly progress [example is given]. Please use Font size: 11 and Font type: Calibri, Garamond or Times New Roman:
Week: May 16 – May 22
Any field Visit: Yes, on Monday (with details)
Any Discussions with management Team: Yes, talked with Ms.Tulika and clarified about …..
Accomplishments This week:
- Worked on researching on public issues related to …..
- Interviewed administrative official in the department……
- Clicked photographs of the location…..
- Took video clip for the video presentation
- Made notes for the discussion with mentor
- Put a post on my facebook page to seek info related to recent issue
- …..
Planned Activity for Next week:
- Need to ensure following areas a covered as part of the project….
- Need to discuss the issues with junta on discussion forum
- ….
- ….
- ….
Points to seek clarification on:
- Not understood the scope of particular aspect of project, need to talk to mentor
- Area looks quite vast, should I limit the research to only ….. and move forward
- …..
- …..
- …..
Meeting minutes of discussion with Mentor Prof. XYZ:
- Date of Discussion
- Duration of Discussion: 30 min …
- …..
- …..
- …..
Please feel free to add any more section you may need for your weekly status. If more than one intern working on a project, there should be one single progress report submitted under one name.