Internship Evaluation Criteria

Our team of researchers, social scientists and highly qualified academicians has put a lot of effort in defining the projects so that they effectively address various issues crucial to India’s development and progress as well as provide scope for innovation in finding solutions for long term policy formulation. Your internship project attempts to address a selected few of the issues in front of our society.

Each intern’s work would be evaluated on the basis of following characteristics:

•    Depth of understanding and Critical analysis of the problem/issue
•    Comparison with western counterparts wherever applicable
•    Innovative and Creative in proposing implementable solution(Originality)
•    Being honest and punctual in all communications with Rakshak Foundation
•    Collaboration with coworkers and friends through social media (facebook, online forum, twitter)
•    Seriousness of Project Report and Video presentation

The certificate of internship would  include your performance based on the criteria listed above. The performance scale is :

◦    Satisfactory
◦    Good
◦    Very Good
◦    Excellent